Well, ding-dong, the Big Bad Dictator is dead. The murderer has been, in turn, murdered. How charming.
Saddam - a murderous thug - was, once upon a time, the Iraqi government. In his capacity as the Iraqi government, he had people he regarded as a threat to Iraqi law and order killed. Murdered. Now, the new Iraqi government (along with Bush & Co.), regarding Saddam as a threat to Iraqi law and order, has had him killed. Murdered. Isn't the spread of democracy wonderful? The glorious rise of modern civilisation?
And, by hanging, yet. What? No guillotine available? No lions? Boiling oil? I mean, if someone's going to indulge in primitive savagery, they should at least show some imagination.
By the way, if you haven't watched Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" lately (or ever), you really should see it (again). Then, if you think it a tad far-fetched, consider the story of Maher Arar. And then consider further that he's not the only one.
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