This is my Easter picture. It was just so obviously the right choice.
Easter, for those of us in the "Nonbeliever" category, presents a lot of interesting aspects. For example, how did a holiday celebrating death-by-torture, an early version of "Dawn of the Dead", and chocolate bunnies and eggs ever come into being? The "death-by-torture"+"Dawn of the Dead" thing I can kind of get (guy, unjustly killed comes back for revenge - of a very sneaky sort - on his killers), but what's with the chocolate bunnies and eggs? That it seems to me, is a central mystery of Christianity.
I also like the fact that, depending on how you interpret the "three days" thing, you can see the story as the origin of the Protestant work ethic. If it's three days, inclusive, then Jesus got up on Sunday, but, if it's three days exclusive, then he got up on Monday. "Come on, Jesus - another Monday, another work week, let's go..."
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