Are you like me? When you want a game of bingo, do you look for one with no artificial sweeteners? No additives, or preservatives? Well, have I got the place for you.
Isn't free association a terrible thing? Especially when it comes armed with a digital camera and a blog?
And, did Hillary just hand the Democratic nomination over to Barack? America safer now since 9/11? Thanks to the Dept. of Homeland Security?!? Riiiiigggghhhht. I love this notion: "Some cite the fact that there have been no domestic terror attacks since Sept. 11, and the foiling of several alleged terror plots, as evidence that the new antiterrorism measures are working." Yes, and you'll notice they're very effective against tigers, too. Seen any of those wandering across the White House grounds lately? Nooooooo. Ignore the fact that Dumbya has pissed off most of the non-American world. Ignore the fact that thousands of innocent lives have been lost thanks to his moronic (not to mention homicidal) foreign policies. And, if you can actually do those things, believe America is safer. Dumbya would probably refer to it as "Faith-based Security". Lotsa luck with that.
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