Ever seen a movie called "Breach"? Not bad. Not great, but not bad. Chris Cooper plays an FBI agent turned spy for the wrong side. And, it's based on a true story, the Robert Hanssen case from a few years back. Seems he decided it would be more fun to spy against the U.S. than to work for the U.S. Even managed to get at least two guys working for the U.S. killed. The great thing is the kind of guy Hanssen evidently was - a devoutly religious guy, pillar of the community, stalwartly moral - you know - the kind of guy your average right-wing politician claims to be.
I liked that movie. Chris Cooper was really good... SO creepy.
Go see "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" if you can, it's out in indie theaters right now. It's a documentary about two guys competing for the world record Donkey Kong score. You wouldn't think it would be interesting, but it's the best movie I've seen in a while.
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