A bulletin from the "How Can Such a Smart Guy Be So Dumb?" department. The answer, of course, is, "Easy". Unfortunately.
Meanwhile, on the "How Can So Many People Be So Stupid?" front. Our mighty Canadian government has a huge budget surplus, so, what do they plan to do? Boost education spending? Nope. How about health care, which is in big trouble? Nope. They plan to do what responsible governments everywhere do - bribe the populace with promises of tax cuts! Yep, nothing appeals to the average moron more than being told that he/she will soon be the recipient, through the government's brilliant planning and largesse, of an extra $500.00 (tops) next year. Whoopee! Paaaarty! That their kids' education will likely mean a lifetime's debt for said kid is irrelevant. That their own medical expenses will very likely prove pretty close to crippling in not too many years is also irrelevant. Tax cut! Tax cut! Tax cut!
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