I gotta get out and get some more photographs. But, it's fall in Vancouver and that means crappy weather. And I'm a coward when it comes to cameras that rely heavily on electronics. Are D50s at all weatherproof? I don't know. Do I want to experiment on my own camera? Not on your life. Soooo.....
Meanwhile, speaking of "photographs", that's what they are, folks. They're not "captures". Fortunately, no one I know actually uses this egregious term, but still, every now and then, someone will say of one of my photographs, "Nice capture!". Please don't. Please. I'm begging you. Nothing's been "captured". Not photons. Not electrons. Not, god help us all, an "image" (which is something in your mind, not on film, or a CCD, or on a print).
See? Every once in a while I actually have something to say regarding photography. Isn't that exciting?
Tomorrow, if I remember, maybe I'll talk about my dream camera - an M8 - and why. If, that is, I remember.
Labels: apartment, apartments, camera, cameras, capture, chinatown, connor, D50, eastside vancouver, fire escape, image, M8, photograph, photographs, photography
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