Oh, sure - it's just a shot of a parking lot light. Sure. That's what you think. To me, this is the light that nearly killed me. I was walking along, looking up at it, trying to decide whether or not to take a picture, and, if so, just how, when the ground dropped out from in front of me. Ever done that? You take a step, in all innocence, fully expecting the ground to be there when your foot touches down, except that it's not. It's a good eight inches lower than where every fibre of your being was expecting it to be. And, when your foot does finally make contact, it jolts every bone in your body. I think I must be shorter now by at least half an inch. I could feel my vertebrae crunching and compressing. So, naturally, after surviving that assassination attempt, I had to photograph the culprit.
Of course, it looks like it's saying, "Wha'd I do? I'm innocent, I tell ya!"
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