Sometimes it's the simple plans that work best, don't you think?
I've got to say, one of the things I'm enjoying about wandering around the somewhat less up-scale parts of town is bumping into people I never would otherwise. My route from here was toward camera left, which was back toward downtown. This building's on the east side of town, in what I suppose would be called a "light industrial" area - warehouses, small manufacturing companies, car repair... And hookers. Yep - hookers. As I wandered along, looking for something to photograph, I noticed up ahead, standing - you guessed it - one each on two successive street corners, two women, obviously not waiting for a bus. Now, I'm kind of a shy, reclusive type, so my first impulse was to find an intervening side street, or alley, or something(!) that I could dodge down so I could avoid them. And then my curiosity voice kicked in. "What can happen?" it asked. And it was right... "How are you?" asked the first one. "I'm O.K., how about you?" I replied as I strolled by. "Fine," she said, following with, "You want a blow-job?" "Nah, I'm O.K., thanks" I replied, ever the polite guy. "Aw, come on," she said with a smile, "Help a girl out." To which there really was no reply, so I just waved and kept on walking. What was I going to do? Give her a good education and a good job? Seemed like a nice enough person, though. Which is the key thing after all.
The other undoubtedly nice lady had disappeared by the time I got to her corner. Duty called, I suppose.
Labels: connor, eastside vancouver, hooker, sjconnor, vancouver
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