So, I've been watching episodes of "House" on DVD lately - gotta love Hugh Laurie as a cranky diagnostic genius - and it's, um, well, entertaining at least. But, I've got a question. You see, a few years back, I had a very close friend who was going to med school. And, naturally, I got to meet lots of other med students through her. Not to mention getting to hear lots and lots and lots of med school stories. Weirdly, I never heard a single one, though, about their class in "Basic Breaking and Entering". My pal brought home lots of new medical tools - stethoscope, ophthalmoscope, reflex hammer....but never did she turn up with a crowbar or a lock picking tool kit. Really, I'd have remembered. So, why is it that every episode - at least, in season 2 - of "House" involves the team of dedicated young docs going off to break into some patient's house? Is this some uniquely American diagnostic technique?
Speaking of obscure, look closely at the fine print in the photo.
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