Find the hidden key, folks. Eeeeeasy.
Meanwhile, in England, this interesting little tale. Now, contrast it with North America. Hmmmm.......guy does something (totally, utterly freaky) on his own time, in his private life, something that has absolutely nothing to do with his job, something totally legal (At least, that's his claim. What do I know about British law and kink?)...people clamour for his resignation and he says, "Not gonna happen, kids. It was legal. It was harmless. It was on my own time. So, get over it." Gotta love that. Really. A lot of people could take a lesson from this. As to Sir Jackie Stewart's call for Mosley's resignation, note that it's not based on a moral principal - denigrating women, denigrating Holocaust survivors... - he just feels it might be bad for business - the foundation of all 21st century morality.
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