O.K., even for an omnivore (but, 99% veg), this sign is just so incredibly wrong! Still, if it were to come up for sale (and, given that the building to which it's attached will very likely be knocked down in the next couple of years, it very well could be), I'd be tempted to pay big bucks to acquire it. Lucky me, though - I don't have any big bucks. Dang.
If you're looking for a good movie to go see, try "Honeydripper". Yeah, it's a tad earnest (come on - it's a John Sayles movie, after all!), but it's earnest for darn good reasons. And the music is great!
Labels: connor, downtown, downtown eastside, dte, dtes, eastside, eastside vancouver, hastings, sign, signs, sjconnor, vancouver
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