Once a week, whether you need it or not, you've got to run 10k (otherwise known as "just over 6 miles", if you live south of the border). It'd be helpful if you'd run some shorter distance at least once or twice during the week, but... Thank heaven for my bicycle.
David Byrne rides a bicycle. So does Calvin Trillin. Just a couple of location-specific examples. Otherwise known as not-so-subtle nagging.
Meanwhile, there is, as always, more news from Stupidsville. Florida and Michigan Democrats were told not to hold their primaries early. They went ahead anyway. Naturally, the party said, "Well, kids, we told you not to. You were just trying to show off, to look more important than you actually are. Well, your votes don't count. Everyone else was willing to play the game, but, ooooooh no, not you. No, no, no - you're too special. Wrong-o, kiddies." So, in what's really a gesture of conciliation, the Democratic party has said, "O.K., you made a mistake. You acted like a bunch of spoiled children, but - hey - we'll forgive you. But, you don't get full votes. You get half votes." The response? Well, some of these idiots promptly began chanting for McCain! Yep - just what the country needs - more tax breaks for the rich, another 4 years, minimum, in Iraq, an eagerness to tilt the Supreme Court just a little further toward the neo-Nazi right.... Oh, yeah, that's what America needs. Heaven forbid that people should behave like mature adults. "Oh? Hillary lost? Well then, we're gettin' behind Obama, our party's candidate, to get rid of the current right-wingnut and see to it he ain't replaced by another." Who are these people, and why, oh why, do they have any say whatsoever in who might run the country?
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