Why is it that Republicans (you know - the "law and order" party?) are the first to toss American law overboard whenever it suits them? Dumbya really got the ball rolling in a big way - tapping Americans' phones, locking people up without charges or a right to a lawyer or a fair trial - and now his little buddy,
John McBush, is voicing his support for those same crimes. All in the name of "fighting terror", of course. Too bad that the terror fighters are showing themselves to be terrorists as well. I wonder if there's any chance anyone will ever arrest them. And, will anyone in America still buy the notion that their rights need to be sacrificed in the name of - yes, you guessed it - NINE-ELEVEN! Surely, by now, that's taken on the same meaning that "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" did for Chicken Little (which, given most of those pinheads' service records - excepting McBush - is a pretty apt metaphor).
Meanwhile, over on the "environment" side, McBush tries to continue the Dumbya tradition while
slapping on a coat of green paint. I love the phrase "...free the United States from its dependence on foreign oil". Right. It's the dependence on
foreign oil that's the big problem. Not the fact that burning it in vast quantities has created an environmental emergency. Heck, no.
And you've got to love his solutions. Yep - let's go drilling all over America's remaining wilderness, and up and down its coasts (No hazard I can think of there. How 'bout you?). And, failing that, let's build more nuclear power plants! Nuclear waste? No more harmful than tons of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere (now
that's brilliant thinking).
Surely no one's going to vote for this boob in November.
Labels: Bush, Dumbya, McBush, McCain
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