O.K., so I, like roughly half the planet, went to see the new Batman movie this weekend. And, what do you know? the hype was right. Darn fine movie. If Heath Ledger hadn't been such a fan of self-medication, he'd have been able to name any figure he wanted to to do the sequel that would have been inevitable after his performance. His Joker was, let's face it, not just the best thing in the movie, it was what kept you in your seat, made you forget how long the movie actually was, and could easily pull you back for a second viewing.
Poor old Christian Bale, on the other hand, was set dressing. Which wasn't his fault, mind you. Face it, once you're in full Batman gear, nobody can see your face. Kind of tough to do much character portrayal when all you are is a jutting jaw and a black rubber suit. Anybody could be under that thing. Get a decent voice actor to dub the lines and no one would ever know.
oh, why have I not seen this yet? Very cool photo. Love the color. And btw, to comment on an earlier post, our plans were to sell the car as soon as we moved to the city, but then the DEVO DOG got THE CANCER. So, we'll have it for at least another couple weeks.
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