Ah, the clash of civic (sort of) and corporate interests. The "BO" just visible in this photo, behind the "TO" is part of an old, and very large, sign for a car dealership, now defunct, that some good, historically-minded citizens felt needed to be retained as a civic landmark. Wellllllllll, maybe. Sure. A monument to 1950s (?), 1960s (?) advertising/car culture? Oh, heck - why not? Just 'cause it's going to fall apart of its own accord in a few years - is that a reason to simply take it down when the business it advertises goes out of business and gets replaced by one even more crass? Heck no!
And, in case you hadn't recognized it, the "TO" belongs to the "TOYS..." in, you guessed it....and so I'm not going any further with this. They cut a deal with the city fathers (surely city mothers would have been more sensible!) that would let them put their sign on top of the old one, thus both preserving and defacing at the same time a purported historical landmark. Aren't politics and business wonderful?
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