Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, you're buying from scum. No, not the poor schlub at the check-out, or the sad sack greeter, or any of the other hard-working employees - they're just poor folk trying to make a living. And Wal-Mart's doing everything it can to keep them poor, and prevent them from making a decent living. Witness this latest slimey move.
Your kids' teachers belong to a union. Your lawyer belongs to a union (the Bar Association). Your doctor belongs to a union (the AMA/CMA). Your politicians, industrialists, sports heroes, Hollywood actors and writers - all belong to unions. Maybe you even belong to a union (I sure as hell do). Why shouldn't Wal-Mart's employees? Unions came into existence because people with more power (i.e. money) than they deserved (because they turned out to be inclined to abuse it) needed to be resisted. Wal-Mart's a classic example of that, wouldn't you say?
Labels: exploitation, resistance, slime, unions, wal-mart
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