Wow! What a perfect day. Gave my last lecture for the term today, which means a period of relative calm (as I mentioned the other day). At the same time, I have to admit that it's a tad weird to celebrate another 4 months of my life being over. Oh, well.
Other things contributing to the perfection of this day? Well, first there's this. Anytime a genocidal thug gets sent to meet judgement, well, it just has to warm the cockles of one's heart, right? And, in a similar, though less murderous vein, any time another Republican "law and order" creep can get busted for...ummm....breaking the law? Well, that's just soooooooooo happy-making. If only we could look forward to similar fates for Dumbya and Dickhead. Even better if they could suffer the same fate as Ratovan, but, well....
On another matter altogether (but certainly no less vital), who the hell decided all those year ago to cancel "Sports Night"? Just curious.
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