So, earlier today I fired up a quick post, just so I could be sure to get this up, just in case the Times's web version buried it later in the day. Sure makes you long for the "good old days", doesn't it? Watching the current crop of politicians grovel to religious nitwits is very depressing. Kind of makes you think, "Gee, nice guys, but not too bright". Well, except for McBush, that is. Definitely not a nice guy. Nor, for that matter, all that bright.
Wouldn't you just about give your left lung for a politician who'd stand up and say, "God? God? What are you - totally insane? There's no such thing. Maybe you'd like me to endorse Santa Claus, too? Now get out of my way, pinhead, I've got real people to talk to". O.K. - I can dream, can't I?
Meanwhile, I'm obviously slow to the party. If you haven't heard of Pizzicato Five, get on out there and find one of their CDs (or download 'em). Too swell for words. I gotta tell ya - I love my local library! Wander in, browse the CD racks....hmmmm....this looks interesting. Take it home and play it. Crappy? Take it back. Like it? Keen - go buy a copy. The only drawback is the rapid outward flow of cash to CDs. Ah, well.
And, now that I'm on a "music" theme, you might consider whipping out to pick up "This Is Your Brain on Music" (the link's just so you can check out the reviews). It's pretty nifty. I've got zero musical vocabulary or sophistication. A friend of mine once said I had "eclectic" taste in music. I think he was just saying, politely, that I have no taste in music, but I could be wrong. Anyway, for those of us who fall into the hideous, "I may not know music, but I know what I like," category, this is a swell book. Lots of neurobiological stuff, too, for the biologists in the class. Anyway, I'm enjoying it so far.
Labels: bridge, connor, couple, flags, granville, sjconnor, vancouver, walking
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