Yeah, yeah - I gotta get out more. But! That's about to start happening. At least for a couple of weeks. Yes, ladies and gentlemen (note my optimism in using the plural form), End O' Term is upon us! And not a moment too soon, let me tell you.
Teaching is a lot of fun, but it's also like doing two or three shows a day in front of a dead audience. Especially tough when the "shows" are bright and early in the morning. Funnily enough, 22 year olds aren't really at their most enthusiastic at that time of day. At least, not when they're in a classroom. Which means, of course, that I've got to be energetic, enthusiastic and generally pumped. Whether I feel like it or not. Given that each class is 2 or 3 hours long, that can get a tad tiring after a while. So, two or three weeks to recuperate before the next "season" is swell by me.
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