Went to see "Brideshead Revisited" today. Good movie. Had to be - it was based on the Evelyn Waugh novel of the same name and that's a darn fine book. Set in the years between WWI and WWII, it's full of British upper class weirdness, satirised as only Waugh could do it.
An interesting aside - there was only one movie preview and it didn't feature any CGI, guns, explosions, muscles, naked women, nor was it a sequel, or a remake of a 60s television show, an elaboration of a video game......the standard ingredients of a Hollywood "blockbuster". Why? Because the crowd (the theatre, though small, was full) was composed mainly of people my age (far too old) and, given that everyone there was there to see a movie based on an Evelyn Waugh novel, literate. Not the crowd Hollywood panders to.
And, on the "good news" side of things (for a change), this just in....
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