"Guilty by Suspicion". If you have never seen it (it's old), go get it. Sooooo darn applicable to the world today.
And, from the "Depressing Rationalisations for Illiteracy" front, there's this article. If you're a parent, and you think the fact that your child is "reading" on the Net is a good thing, pull your head out of your ass and get a firmer grip on reality. Trust me, as a teacher I can tell you that your children are growing up to be illiterate, inarticulate, and generally incapable of constructing a grammatically-correct sentence. Don't even think about the concept of paragraphs.
Now, you may not believe this, but both the movie and the small rant about idiots who can't be bothered to learn to read, spell or write properly, are intimately connected. Both have to do with social responsibility. Yeah, yeah, I know - an outmoded notion. But, there are still a few nuts who think it's a good thing.
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