Let's see. Take some fish, put them in a barrel - what have you got? The McBush campaign!
Years ago, there was a satirical program on BBC called "Spitting Image". The folks who made it finally gave up. Why? Because there was no way they could come up with situations ridiculous enough to match those that the royal family were actually living through. Well, evidently John McBush has decided that the best way to send humourists the world over into retirement is to follow that model.
Let's see. First, there's this quote: "He had his first face-to-face interview with her on Thursday and offered her the job moments later." That's from a story in the New York Times. This one's from the ever-popular "Republican close to the campaign": "“They didn’t seriously consider her until four or five days from the time she was picked, before she was asked, maybe the Thursday or Friday before,” said a Republican close to the campaign. “This was really kind of rushed at the end, because John didn’t get what he wanted. He wanted to do Joe or Ridge.”" Wow! He's sure the guy I'd vote for! Careful planning! Forethought! Wisdom!
Let's face it, can't you hear John screaming, "Bring me a woman, goddamn it!"? Although, not for the purposes you might think, obviously.
As for the Republican party in general (and their favourite pit-bull, Rockin' Rush), how come none of them is screaming about the daughter? Surely, under their strict moral code, she's a slut? A whore? A spawn of Satan? I mean, isn't that what Rumpled Rush would have been howling over the airways had Bristol (as in "board"?) been "Chelsea"?
How dim is this family, anyway? How does a 17-year-old not understand birth control here in the early 21st century? The pill? Condoms? Or, that favourite Republican method....ABSTINENCE?!? Come on - where's that good old Republican outrage? That good old Republican moral fibre?
Gees - talk about "No Child Left Behind"!
And, let's face it, you've got to love that the Republican presidential nominee's choice of a running mate was a member of an Alaskan secessionist party up until a few years ago: "...that she was a member for two years in the 1990s of the Alaska Independence Party, which has at times sought a vote on whether the state should secede..." Fantastic! A dimwit and (come on, Rush, I know you'd be busting at the seams to say this had she been Obama's running mate) a traitor!
Is anyone really seriously considering voting for these people? I mean, reeeeeeaaaaalllllly?
Labels: hypocrite, hypocritical, McBush, Palin, pregnant, Republican, stupid, stupidity
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