Ooohhhh, my head hurts. Why? Because this is actually considered newsworthy. 59% of Americans think Sarah Palin isn't qualified to be vice-president. Excuse me?!? Only 59%?!? She's a corrupt idiot, for crying out loud! A cynical ploy on the part of McBush's handlers to try to convince Americans that he's hip! She's not even out of high school! "What do you mean you won't fire my sister's ex? He was mean to her! What's the point of being, um.....governor! if I can't fire anyone I want?" Can't you just see her stamping her Ferragamo-clad foot in a fit of adolescent pique? Oh. Wait. You can't get Ferragamos at Wal-Mart, can you? Mrs. Joe Q. Plumber would never wear Ferragamos, would she?
And, worse (as if it could get worse), some people are even touting her as a viable candidate for president in 2012!
Like I said yesterday, the next few days are gonna kill me. I just can't shake the horrible feeling that America will elect McBush. No one I know down there is going to vote for him, but... Face it, Bush got a second term when he should have been run out of town on a rail. The potential for disaster is all too real.
Meanwhile, speaking of friends south of the 49th ('way, 'way south in this case), here's a little something lighter.
How do you find this stuff? You need a TV like the rest of the world. That video is pretty funny.
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