Went to see "Milk" today. Go see it. And that concludes our review...sort of.
I have only a very vague memory of the actual historical events that the movie is about. At the time, the murder of an obscure (to Canadians, especially straight Canadians) American civic politician didn't really register. After all, we'd just come through the Civil Rights era, the Vietnam war era, the Watergate era, and were deeply into the Women's Rights era. This movie corrects that oversight.
Anita Bryant (her I remember) and her ilk were cut from the same intolerant cloth as George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, and Pat Robertson. Each of these people represents the very worst in humanity. Milk's victory in defeating her was a moment that should have made Californians, and Americans, proud. One can only imagine how he would feel today were he alive to see the shame of the passing of proposition 8 in California. Bigotry is alive and well, folks, it's just not quite so focused on skin colour anymore. Black, white, yellow, red - if you're gay, you don't have the same rights as other Americans. Gotta love equal-opportunity bigotry.
Labels: bigotry, civil rights, Milk, proposition 8
Stac' and I saw this last week and loved it. What a fantastic movie. Penn was great.
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