Happy Obama Day, America! (And, if you're on the West Coast, and reading this on Monday night, well, keep it in mind tomorrow.) Trust me, I'm practically vibrating with excitement over this whole deal. I'm gonna be up early tomorrow, glued to my computer, watching the inauguration (provided, of course, that there isn't a serious case of server overload). Applauding. Yes, and probably bursting into tears. Which, let's face it, is totally weird considering that he ain't my president.
Still, as I said in an earlier post, I watched television news footage when I was a kid of black people getting beaten, fire-hosed, blown up, shot, all because they wanted to be treated like the human beings they were. Race shouldn't matter, and in the future, with any luck, it won't. But, tomorrow? Oh, yeah - race matters. Race matters a lot.
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