There you go, folks - the first posted shot out of my swell, new D90. Can't tell any difference, can you? It's the web, for cryin' out loud! Oh, well.
So far? Faster. 'Way, 'way faster. Which is a ridiculous statement to make when you consider that any hand-holdable shutter speed, even with image stabilisation, is going to be a fraction of a second. But, there's a difference. Really. I've mainly been using a Nikon D50 (there you go, Tyler) up till now (with a bit of G10 tossed in over the past couple of months). A fine camera. I'd recommend it to anyone (if it were still available, that is). But, pushing the shutter release? The D50, though orders of magnitude faster than any digital P&S - trrrrriiiiippppp. The D90 - tp (and, if I could somehow typographically merge the "t" and the "p", believe me, I would). I hate to think how fast something like the D3X is.
But, enough of photo-tech talk. Here in British Columbia, we're about to enter the Age of Voodoo Medicine. Yep, our esteemed provincial government is leaning toward burning more of our already scarce healthcare dollars on Medicine for Morons. Memo to the dumb: There's no such thing as "Alternative Medicine". There's medicine and crap. How do you tell the difference? You do controlled experiments of proposed treatments. If the resulting data indicate that the treatment works, it's "medicine". If the data indicate that it doesn't, it's crap. How tough is that to figure out? Evidently, it's too much of a challenge for a large portion of the population (what a surprise), including our Minister of Health (even less of a surprise since having any actual intelligence is not a requirement for the position).
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