Thursday, February 05, 2009

This is what happens when you do other stuff when you ought to be taking photographs. What other things, you ask? Well, getting back to running, for one. And, in a scary development, I think I'm liking treadmills. I like to be able to let my mind wander when I run. I live in a relatively high-traffic neighbourhood, populated, in addition, by some of the world's worst drivers. Not a place to run with a mind in neutral. What to do? The answer was to join the local community centre (all of 100m away) and test out their treadmills. It's brilliant! Plug in the earbuds, crank up the speed on the mill, and just go.

The only weird thing I've noticed is that my poor little proprioceptive system (that's for you, Stac) gets thrown totally out of whack. When I stop the treadmill and step off onto the stationary world, my brain can't deal with it for a moment. "Hey! Weren't we just running, but not moving through space? I mean, that's what the eyeballs were reporting - no forward motion. And now we're walking and moving?!? What's going on? I'm soooo confused!" Yesterday, when I first tried the thing out, I nearly fell on my head when I stepped off. My brain seems to get used to the idea of the ground under my feet moving while my head stays in one place. Once both begin to move, it takes a minute or so to put the two back together. "Oooohhhh, legs, feet...and everything moving. I get it!"


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