Well, I don't know about you, but I had one cool evening. Went to see a talk by James Randi, a.k.a. "The Amazing Randi". He bent a spoon! O.K., that's not really a surprise since any competent magician can do it, but, c'mon, he got famous doing that and exposing Uri Geller as a fraud. He also did a pretty nifty mind-reading trick...which he didn't explain. And a swell little trick with a matchbox, which he did explain (possibly because it's pretty easy to find the explanation for one's self).
Mr. Randi's pretty amazingly energetic for a guy who's 80. There might be something to be said for the youth-maintaining effects of on-going moral outrage. He did a great little number on homeopathy using homeopathic sleeping pills. The pills, on the homeopathic principle of "like cures like" contained (well, maybe) caffeine. Makes sense, right (um, if you're nuts)? Caffeine keeps you awake, so, in a homeopathic dose, it should put you to sleep! The recommended dose on the bottle was 2 pills. Don't take more! In cases of overdose, the instructions said to call your local poison control hot-line. Verrrry scarrrry! Mr. Randi ate the entire bottle - 35 pills - over a period of about 5 minutes. He did this at the very beginning of his very stimulating, very energetic 2 hour presentation. He's 80 for crying out loud! How many 80-year-olds do you know who can stand in front of an audience, wandering around, gabbing away 90 words a minute, for 2 hours?!? Yeah, those pills were really workin'.
The guy is one of my heroes. I'll see if any of my pix turned out (the lighting was dim and terrible) and post one tomorrow.
Labels: fraud, homeopathy, james randi, magic, randi
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