No, the photo has nothing to do with the day's events.
But, what a day! And so many ways to comment on it. First...
As pretty much everybody and their dog (sorry, doggies) has said by now, 50 years ago a black person would be lucky to get served in a "white" restaurant, seated in the "white" section of a bus, treated better than a dog in most parts of the U.S. Today, thanks to a lot of gutsy people, a black man was inaugurated President of the country. If that doesn't bring tears of joy to your eyes, nothing ever will.
Second - now that the first black person has made it to the Presidency, maybe people will begin to realize that thinking that skin colour is any more important than hair colour when it comes to judging a person's worth is stuuuuupid.
Third - wasn't it wonderful to hear Obama talking about bringing back rationality, rather than faith, as the determinant of policy? Science, data, the rule of law. They've been absent for 8 long years. Welcome back!
Fourth - Dumbya slinks off to Texas, gives a speech, and nobody - not even Fox Newts - cares! If I hear nothing about him for the next 30 years, I'll die a happy man.
O.K., enough of the numbering. How about the fabulous sight of Dork Cheney hunched over in a wheelchair? Besides being better than he deserved (gurneys come to mind (well, O.K., slabs come most quickly to mind, but...)), he was the perfect image of an evil troll.
And John Roberts, a key Bush appointee to the Supreme Court, couldn't even get the oath of Office right! How symbolic of the Bush era's relationship to the law was that?!?
Anyway, good luck, Mr. President. And the rest of you? Get behind him and get to work! Once you're done partying your brains out, that is.
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