This guy's obviously deep in thought (or trying desperately to ignore the guy with the camera). Me, too. About Facebook. I've come to the conclusion, finally, that I really don't like Facebook. Why, you ask? 'Cause they want an awful lot. And that ain't all. Want to post a photo of your friends? Go ahead. Facebook now owns that photo. Forever. And, should Facebook choose to use that photo in a manner your friend disapproves of? Tough! Can your friend sue Facebook for such inappropriate use? Sure. But you're the one on the hook for any settlement! Lucky you! Facebook fucks up and you pay.
Not to mention that they can use your photos, any of them, forever, for their advertising and never pay you a dime.
And, every time you post something saying, "I like _____"? Wow! Talk about information that can be sold! Free market research. How great is that?
Needless to say, I don't be Facebookin' anymore.
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