Gotta love the Mounties. They hire none but the finest minds. "I thought the man who was three or four inches shorter than me, 30 pounds lighter, not wearing a Kevlar vest, nor armed with anything other than a stapler (well, O.K., "armed" might be a bit of an exaggeration, but...), and all on his own, while I was carrying a riot baton and a high-powered handgun, along with, of course, a Taser, was a threat to not only my safety, but that of the other 3 officers with me, all of whom, of course, were similarly armed and larger than the, um, guy we ki...er, the guy who unfortunately wound up deceased. So, I did what anyone would do in a similar situation. I hit him 5 times with my Taser." Yep - brave, rational, up-standing officer of the law.
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