Ahhhhh - isn't it wonderful? All you have to do is wait, and the Republicans will come up with yet another stupid idea. Today? Well, apparently they think Bobby Jindal is their answer to Barack Obama. Why? Well, because he's not white. It doesn't matter that he is, like the rest of the candidates they've been fielding, stupid. It doesn't matter that he's dishonest. It only matters that he's not white because, as far as the dimbulbs in charge of the Republican party are concerned, that's what's important these days. They fail to see (surprise!), let alone imagine, that maybe, just maybe, Barack Obama was elected because he's intelligent and concerned about the welfare of the majority of Americans, not just the rich.
Note in the linked story that it's the one hundred million dollars aimed at helping out people in need that Jindal objects to. He's perfectly willing to take the rest of the money.
A quick up-date. I just watched a couple of excerpts from President Obama's speech. How different from ol'...um.....whatsissname's speeches! No paranoia. No calls to kill. No blood, no war, no macho. Instead? Better lives for Americans. Help for the poor. Help for the jobless. Tax breaks for the people who actually need them, not the rich. Improved health care. Improved education. Accountability.
I didn't, on the other hand, watch Gimcrack Jindal's response. Why? Well, I could be wrong, but I'll bet it would have made my head explode. Did he mention enshrining tax cuts for the rich? The wasteful spending on Medicare and education and social security that would undoubtedly follow as result of Obama's proposals? The need to ignore global warming? Come on...he did, didn't he? Of course he did.
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