Oh, it can be so depressing when your country is being run by dolts. Here's our "science" minister in action. Even when back-pedalling he shows what a dolt he is. Who in hell picked a chiropractor (if it walks like a duck, it probably speaks like one, too) to be science minister?!? Oh, wait. Riiiiiight. The Smirk - the Dolt-in-Chief.
Sadly, if you carry on down through the article, you run across the remarks of the "science" critic from the party that's second in command, and he's no better. Which is really frightening considering the guy's a former astronaut. What did he imagine got him into space? Maybe Peter Pan's "think happy thoughts, Marc"?
Here's a bulletin for these idiots - evolutionary theory is science, not religion (a.k.a. "big juju"). It involves no faith. Well, unless you want to suggest that Newtonian mechanics is somehow "faith-based" (which Space Cadet Garneau seems likely to be willing to go along with).
Aaaaaand, this just in...The former, um, guy-who-would-be-...um...something down there in the U.S. - you remember - um, yeah...um...well, anyway, he was up in Calgary to give a speech. A speech that showed he's actually got two sides (as opposed to two faces). First, there's the dumby we all know and loath: "I'm going to put people in my place, so when the history of this administration is written at least there's an authoritarian voice saying exactly what happened,'' Bush said." Now, don't you think maybe, just maybe, he meant "authoritative"? I mean, yeah, he did give every indication of wanting to establish an authoritarian regime in America when he was in office, but...
Secondly - and this comes as a surprise to me - he showed more class than his former Retardlican colleagues in refusing to criticize Obama. He even went so far as to say that Obama deserves the support of Americans: ''I think it is essential that he be helped in office.''. Who'd'a thunk?
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