Ahhh, software. I think I've mentioned that I recently bought a new computer. Being PC-oriented (yes, I've tried Macs. Not good), this means Vista. Evidently, however, Adobe isn't friendly with Vista. I'm a person of humble means (and needs), so I use Photoshop Elements to do my processing (with a little help from some nifty plug-ins). Elements, however, doesn't seem to get along with Vista. It's dropping images from the Organizer. As soon as I select one for editing, the Organizer loses the link, leaving a broken link icon where a perfectly nice (sometimes, anyway) image used to be. And there's no way to retrieve it.
At first I thought maybe it was just a problem with Elements 6 (it's older than Vista, after all), so I downloaded (otherwise known as "bought") Elements 7 thinking that might fix the problem. Nooooooo. So, I sent off an email to Adobe support. Wait, make that "support", as in "yer on yer own, pal". No answer. Luckily, there are altenatives. Sure, it's a pain in the butt to have to switch, but, if Adobe's support is going to be this cheezy...
So, I downloaded "The Gimp", an open-source program that's pretty good, and a "test drive" of Paintshop Pro, that also seems pretty good. Both, of course, are cheaper than Adobe's products ("The Gimp", of course, being free), sooooo....
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