So, the latest "feel good" thing was "Let's Turn Off Our Lights for an Hour Day". Now, I'm all for saving the planet. Really. But, frankly, I was more tempted to turn on every light in my place for that hour. Admittedly, that wouldn't have added much to the world's energy consumption, but, still... Now, why would someone who rides a bike, or takes transit, everywhere (or - gasp! - walks), burns one lamp (CFL at that) at a time, etc., take such a Grinchian view of an earnest (which was the best that could be said of it) gesture of green enthusiasm? Well, 'cause it ain't gonna do no good, folks, until people catch on to the idea that 6 billion+ human beings on the planet (and growing - fast) is waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too many. Over-population is our biggest problem, ladies and gentlemen, and, until people realize that, nothing is going to make any difference to our ultimate fate (not to mention that of a lot of other organisms on the planet). Don't believe me? Well, how about David Attenborough?
I've been saying this for years (as have many, many others), but it doesn't seem to sink in. Oh, well.
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