There are a lot of amateur philosophers out there and, unfortunately, many of them maintain photography blogs (a fantastic source of amusing thermally-enhanced air). Apparently one of them recently posted a longish treatise on the questionable nature of "truth". As in, there's no such thing as. Which, of course, can only be greeted with a deep, deep sigh (Really! It's true!). Apart from such statements leading to the over-obvious question as to why anyone would write such a thing, expecting others to then agree to it (meaning, of course, that they, too, regard the statement as, um, "true")...oh, wait. Nope. That pretty much refutes the idea, doesn't it?
Still, good for a giggle.
Speaking of giggles, from your description, Mark Hobson's came to mind. I dug up his blog and sure enough, he was talking about "truth".
I complement you on your photographic eye and bullshit detector — both well tuned.
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