I know I shouldn't revel in other people's misfortune, but, come on, aren't we all getting a kick out of the dissolution of the Republican party? Could they get any lamer? Could Michael Steele (Wow! Talk about a name not lived up to!) bear any stronger resemblance to that immortal (unfortunately) character created by Mr. Lincoln Perry (the word "massuh" is heavily involved)? And, as for the actually elected folks? Leapin' lizards! The ex-Veep, Dim Dick, speaks for them all, it would seem (since none of the others seems to have the guts to stand up and contradict him). And heaven forfend that they should ever -EVER! - stand up to the Boss of All Republicans! Hard to imagine a national political party held to account by a fat moron. A fat, unelected moron at that. Wait! A fat, unelected, uneducated moron. It suddenly strikes me - do you think he's changed the batteries in his hearing aid anytime in the past 9 years? Maybe that's the source of his problem. On the other hand, would it actually make a difference if he could hear? After all, hearing without any understanding, or ability to actually process what one is hearing, is kind of pointless, isn't it? Hmmm......
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