Well, this was a disappointing bit of news. Not unexpected, though. Courts don't exist to change laws, they exist to administer them. Even when nobody (including the judges) likes that. This is how it really ought to be, I'm afraid. Citizens decide on laws through their elected representatives (or, in the case of California, through "propositions"). If you're going to put questions this important to a referendum, you've got to expect an unwanted outcome.
California, again, is a fantastic example of the stupidity of this approach. Taxes? Not in this state, by god! O.K., sooooooo no schools, no parks, no highway maintenance, no reasonable prison system, no help for the poor..... Most voters can't think past their noses. They vote based on what they want, not what might be best for the greatest number of people (in the end, possibly, including themselves).
So, California decided to put it to "the people": Should gay couples be allowed to marry? This, of course, was a cowardly abdication of leadership by those elected to govern California, the "Ditherator" included. Folks, if you're elected to a position of leadership, then fucking lead!
It's not the fault of the California Supreme Court that gay couples can't "marry". It's the fault of the citizens of California and their chicken-shit elected officials.
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