Yep, accidental relevance strikes again. There seems to be a certain amount of rot at the root of the Obama administration. "Indefinite confinement"?!? That's "indefinite confinement" without the actual commission of a crime, without formal charges, without trial, without, um, well, anything, really. And, if you happen to be the "confinee"? Feel you've been wrongly incarcerated? Bummer, man.
Now, normally, as a person convicted wrongly of a crime (or, at least, you feel you've been wrongly convicted), you could appeal your conviction. You could, for example, ask for DNA testing to be done in cases in which that sort of evidence might be relevant. You could, alternatively, claim that your trial was unfair - prejudiced jury, or judge, or suppression of evidence by the prosectution, etc. Or you could claim that you had an inept defence attorney. All sorts of things are grounds for appeal for a wrongful conviction. Of course, if there's never been a trial, let alone a conviction, let alone an actual crime....well, you are, as the saying goes, royally fucked.
Now, some folks might be willing to give Bary (or is that "Bury"?) a break on this 'cause he's so obviously such a good guy. Big mistake, of course. Because, once Bary gets away with it, even if he only wields such awesome power for the good, he will have established this power for his successors. Are you in any way confident that they, too, will wield it only for the good? Are you totally fucking retarded?!? Did you miss Nixon? Did you miss Bush/Cheney?
The power Bary is seeking essentially allows him to lock up anyone he wants. Or, to be more accurate, will allow the President (whoever he/she might ultimately be) to lock up anyone he/she wants. Anyone. Just in case you missed that - ANYONE. So, who do you think John Boehner would lock up? Newt Gingrich? Rush Limbaugh?
I'm really hoping Americans are inundating Bary with emails, actual letters, phone calls...whatever, indicating their extreme displeasure with this turn of events. What he is proposing is very, very bad.
Labels: Barack, confinement, detention, illegal, indefinite, obama
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