This young woman was waiting, as was I, for the light to change. Hmmmm......does that seem relevant to...
Just another day in conservative Amerika. Low I.Q. bigotry seems to be alive and well. And...thriving?
However, on a more positive front, there's Lance. Now, I'd be willing to bet that Lance isn't a guy I'd want to hang out with. My guess is that he's egotistical, overly aggressive, and generally obnoxious. But, I could be wrong. And, I don't really care. I really doubt that anyone who wasn't all of those things (on top of hard-working, driven, dedicated, obsessive) could win the Tour de France seven times. And, to come back for an eighth try at 38? And to be, let's face it, in good position to pull it off? Go, Lance, go.
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