Watched Jon Stewart's interview with Newt ("Hey, I never met a lie I couldn't embrace.") Gingrich tonight (on the web, so I'm 24 hours behind the curve). Stewart actually said to Newt something along the lines of, "You're a pretty sharp guy". That, of course, is wrong. Yes, Newt might be able to analyse a position in terms of how it might serve his moronic position, but, sorry Jon, he isn't "sharp". He's a self-serving weasel. And, when it comes to governance? To long term considerations of what's best for "the country"? Nope. He's a moron. He's into short term advantage. He wants his party to win, not his country. He couldn't give a flying fuck what happens to 299 million-ish Americans. He only cares about what happens to rich Americans (O.K., he only cares about, oh, one hundred thousand(?) Americans). And, let me focus that a tad more precisely, he only cares about what happens to the rich Americans that are willing to give him, and people like him, money. The guy lies. Baldly. And, more importantly, quickly. Whip the falsehoods past the folks quickly enough and, like a slight-of-hand artist, they'll never notice that they've been had. Hey, three-card monte hasn't been around this long for no good reason.
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