Such a deal - $99.00 for permanently straight hair. I mean, compared to $169.00, that's a steal, right? And, for just $60.00 extra, you can give a stone, hot or cold, a massage! Who could pass this up?
Say, speaking of permanently straight, how 'bout that crazy ol' General John Sheehan? You'd think he'd be an expert on the "Don't ask, don't tell," thing, wouldn't you? But, noooooo - he told. When asked if he was stupid, he said, "You darn bet I am!". Now, will he get his ass shit-canned from whatever "responsible" position he currently holds? Don't count on it. He may be dumb, but he's their kind of dumb. Trust me, he'll have a job on FOX in no time. "You're absolutely right, Glenn, Maoist-Nazi space aliens have taken over Washington! And they're coming for our women!"
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