Let's face it, when it comes to loony behaviour, America's an easy target. I mean, this is a country that won't let people bring Kinder Surprises (teeny toys packaged in plastic eggs) across their border, but will let someone obviously totally insane buy a high-powered automatic weapon and a giant clip of bullets. And their politicians fall all over themselves kow-towing to a bunch of paranoid delusionals (a.k.a. the NRA) who feel that no home is complete without enough weaponry to start a minor world war. Sure, that's sensible. On the other hand, wouldn't it be nice to see a politician with more spine than the average earthworm tell the NRA to go fuck themselves? How hard could that be? "NRA nitwits? Go fuck yourselves." See? Nothing to it. Still, don't go holding your breath waiting for it to happen.
But, what brought all this to mind is a somewhat less serious act of lunacy here in my Home and Native Land. Today our keepers of public morals have banned the Dire Straits song, "Money for Nothing". Why, you ask? Because it uses the word "faggot" and that's just not nice. Never mind the the lyrics are supposed to represent the thoughts of an imbecile (come to think of it, someone who might be right at home in the NRA), that the song is meant to satirize the thought processes (if that verb can actually be used in this case) of bigots. Hell, no. The song uses a naughty word, and context is irrelevant. And never mind that the song came out 25 years ago, meaning that an entire generation has been poisoned by these awful lyrics. No! Plug your ears, Canadians!
Where do these people come from?
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