Yeah, it's not a great picture, but this story from the N.Y. Times seemed to go with it so well. Dim bulbs? Don Rumsfeld? Really, it was too good to pass up.
The only good thing that's going to come out of the Bush administration is how fast history's going to render judgement, and it's not going to be pretty. Usually it's at least a couple of decades, but not this time. "Time's up, George. Judges, how'd he score?" "Well, Bob, we're giving Mr. Bush, um....oh, dear...." "Come on, judges, how'd he do? What's the hold-up?" "Well, Bob, it's just that, well......are we allowed to give a score below zero? Or, can we give positive marks for stupidity? Ineptitude? How about, 'Most Pretentious Summer Reading List Claimed by a Patently Illiterate President?'"
And, if you want some real fun reading about Dim Donny, pick up the August 10 issue of "The New York Review of Books" and read Peter Galbraith's review of some of the books out detailing Dumb Donny's handling of Iraq. Afraid of terrorists? Look no further than Washington. These guys scare the hell out of me.
Oh, and my new camera's on its way. How excited am I? I'm already planning to run out and buy a 50/1.8 for it. Gad!
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