Some things just come with frames, don't they?
O.K. Now, you'll notice that there's nothing in this photograph beyond a stop light, and a building apparently under repair. Now, if you're American, think "November". Think "important government buildings in Washington". Think "TIME FOR SOME MAJOR REPAIRS!" Now, do you reeeeeeaaaally want to vote Republican? Really? Are you really happy with a couple of thousand of your young people rotting in the ground because some dimwit drunk, who wanted to show his daddy that he was worth something more than a plugged nickel, and his pals - a bunch of sore losers from the Nixon era (not the Republican party's finest moment, but, oddly enough, one of America's - you guys ran that crook out of town on a rail) decided to show the world how tough they were? Really?
And, how about that "Contract with America", eh? Fiscal responsibility! Lower taxes! Oh, boy - a chicken in every pot! Yup, and debt that your great-great grandchildren will still be paying off. Brilliant financial management! China owns your house(s), your car(s), and your children's educations. These guys have done a fabulous job.
You did notice that the light's red, right?
Well, at least I got rid of that dust spot on my camera's sensor. There's some good news.
Oh, and "The Royal Tenenbaums" is definitely worth a second viewing.
By the way - the reason I get so peeved? - it's because I know America could be a much, much, much better place than what George and his Party of Pinheads have turned it into.
Love your photos, love your posts, love your politics.
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