So, off I go in search of things to photograph. The weather's a tad gray, but that's O.K. - better light, right? As soon as I get to the part of town I want to take pictures in, the gray turns to actual rain. No problem! I need a new MP3 player, and there's a store with one I've been looking at on sale. Of course, they're out of stock. Defeated, I head home. Naturally, as soon as I'm back in my neighbourhood, the sun comes shining through. But! I also find the MP3 player I was looking for (or so I think). Yay! I buy it. I take it home, thinking it's a Sansa player. I start going through the package - hmmmmm, no mention of Sandisk or Sansa. Sure looks like one, though. Hmmmmm.... Get on the web, look up Sandisk's site, search for the model - ain't no such thing. Uh-oh. Look more closely at the thing. No actual manufacturer at all. An instruction book from hell. Back to the store tomorrow. Life's just so hard, isn't it?
Of course, nothing like having to install motion sensors in one's apartment in order to ward off unwanted, possibly violent, visitors. Jeez.
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