I've been calling this photograph "Waiting". Not for any other reason than the obvious, but, tonight it strikes me as, once again, serendipitous. Dumbya's got to be waiting for the next chunk of his crumbling administration to drop on his head, don't you think? Now that Alberto "Damn the Law, Ah'll Do Anything Karl Commands" Gonzales is gone? After all, who's left? Darth Cheney and Candy Rice. That's it. The only friends left in Poor Dumb Georgie's life. Candy could resign, but what about Darth? Is it legal, or constitutional for a veep to resign? I realize that's a silly question. Like considerations of legality or constitutionality have played a role so far in the Grand Bumbler's administration.
Anyway, poor Dumbya. Wandering the halls, alone, wondering where everyone's gone. Not noticing the bag in his hand.
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