Ah, at last I can stop relying on Dumbya for stupidity and get my supply locally. Well, from Ottawa, at least. Not exactly "local" for someone who lives on the west coast, but... Yep, Smirkin' Steve and His Sons of the Stupid have decided to persecute the already persecuted. To pick on the lowest of the low, the junkies. Canada is about to "get tough on drugs". Oh, boy. And, on the off chance that you missed this little extra bit of moronic irony, who's announcing our new national intent to pick on the sick? Our justice minister, Bouncing Bob Nicholson? Nope. How about our minister for foreign affairs, the ever-popular Pusillanimous Pete Mackay, who might at least have the excuse of kow-towing to Dumbya? Nope. Come on, think. This is the Ref..., er, Canadian Al....., oops, the Conservative party, remember? So, who would you least expect to announce a crackdown on some of Canada's most unfortunate, least healthy citizens? Yep - our health minister, Tony (The Enforcer) Clement. "How dare these people be sick on my watch?!? How dare these people pick an addiction not sanctioned by billions of dollars of advertising (and kickbacks to, um....well, you know who) from the alcohol and tobacco industries? I'll show these swine!" Go, Tony, go. I mean it. As far away from here as you can possibly get. Please. I'll buy your ticket. Just name a destination and promise never to come back.
It's just so humiliating to think that this guy is helping ru(i)n my country.
Labels: addiction, clement, conservative, crackdown, drug, drugs, harper, stupidity
See, you Canadians get some value to your dollar and start acting JUST like us! :)
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