Good to see that Dumbya's pick for "America's Lawyer in Chief" is unafraid to admit that Dumbya is, in fact, above the law. I especially like these bits:
"He suggested that both the administration’s program of eavesdropping without warrants and its use of “enhanced” interrogation techniques for terrorism suspects, including waterboarding, might be acceptable under the Constitution even if they went beyond what the law technically allowed. Mr. Mukasey said the president’s authority as commander in chief might allow him to supersede laws written by Congress. "
"In the case of the eavesdropping program, Mr. Mukasey suggested that the president might have acted appropriately under his constitutional powers in ordering the surveillance without court approval even if federal law would appear to require a warrant. "
Yep, so, even if it's against the law, it isn't as long as Dumbya's the one committing the crime.
But, you know?, Dumbya's going to finish out his term. He's going to go into retirement with no price to pay for...um...gees, where to begin? Impeach? Ha! Fat chance. Arrest him once he's out of office? Riiiiigghhhht.
Well, at least O.J.'s number seems finally to be up.
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