Oh, it's a good news day. First of all, Hillary has finally gotten in touch with the real world. Welcome back to the planet, Hills.
Secondly, Kingsley Amis is back with wise words. Not bad for a guy who's been dead for the past 13 years. Marty's a good writer, but his dad was a good writer and funny. In a very stylish way. Sure, some of his stuff was bitter (can you age without getting bitter?), or sexist (know anybody born in 1922 who isn't?), or racist (see preceding) - who cares? He wasn't writing books on good behaviour. He was writing novels. Fiction. Funny fiction. Lighten up.
Thirdly, death to the food nazis. At least, the fitness food nazis. Eat what you want, folks. As long as it's real food in normal proportions. No miracle diets. No protein shakes. No carbo loading. Just eat, O.K.? Gees. Ever heard of evolution? (O.K., fundamentalist christian cretins excepted. For that matter, cretins of any religious preference. Dumb's dumb, right?)
Isn't life wonderful? At least once in a while?
I'm sure I'll be back to "bitter and twisted" by tomorrow.
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